CALL FOR PAPERS (August 2024)CALL FOR PAPERS (August 2024)CALL FOR PAPERS (August 2024)

CALL FOR PAPERS (August 2024)

Submit for Issue No.8 | Volume 4 | August 2024. Last Date for Paper Submission: August 20, 2024. Yearly 12 Issues.

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CALL FOR PAPERS (August 2024)

Submit for Issue No.8 | Volume 4 | August 2024. Last Date for Paper Submission: August 20, 2024. Yearly 12 Issues.

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CALL FOR PAPERS (August 2024)

Submit for Issue No.8 | Volume 4 | August 2024. Last Date for Paper Submission: August 20, 2024. Yearly 12 Issues.

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The RCSAS follows COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for its all publications. This journal fully adheres to its Code of Conduct and to its Best Practice Guidelines. The RCSAS is dedicated to do the best practices on ethical matters, errors and retractions. It is also committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process.

The editors of this journal enforce a rigorous peer-review process together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. The editors of The RCSAS take the publishing ethics and malpractice issues very seriously and they are well trained and advanced in handling the issues such as plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, inappropriate authorship credit, etc. smoothly.  

Authors who want to publish their papers in The RCSAS should have to follow the norms and instructions such as:

    • Before submitting the manuscript, all information that can be interpreted as a potential conflict of interest by the author(s) should be mentioned.
    • Authors must properly explain their research findings and provide an objective discussion of their importance.
    • The research’s data and methodology must be described in the paper with enough detail to allow for replication by other researchers.
    • Prior to submitting their research, authors should openly deposit raw data. The full retention of raw data for a fair amount of time after publication must be ensured by authors by taking the necessary precautions.
    • Manuscripts should not be submitted simultaneously to more than one journal.
    • If errors and discrepancies are discovered by the authors after their work has been published, they must be immediately reported to the editors of this journal so that the necessary actions can be taken in accordance with the journal’s standards.
    • Any information that has already been published elsewhere should not be in any one’s manuscript. If any author (s) use previously published figures or images, such author(s) get the necessary approval from the copyright holder to publish.
    • Image alteration, data fabrication, and plagiarism are not permitted.


All articles submitted to The RCSAS must be unique and have not already been submitted for evaluation elsewhere. Papers that have already been published in part or in full will not be accepted for publication in The RCSAS. (Read more…)


The RCSAS also follows the guidelines of ICMJE. Manuscripts submitted to The RCSAS beyond the submission date of each call for papers will undergo an internal evaluation. Submitted papers are sent out for double-blind review by subject-matter experts if they meet the journal’s fundamental requirements. (Read more…)


The RCSAS aims to enhance the value and relevance of open access publications while ensuring their authenticity and integrity. The Editorial Board must strive to stimulate the readers’ interest. (Read more…)  


The articles published in The RCSAS are licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, allowing users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly. The RCSAS follows Open Access Policy to its content, in view of making research freely available to the public with the aim of exploring and bringing together the worldwide research scholars and teaching professionals as well as all the enthusiastic like minds of research and scientific community. This journal also considers and follows BUDAPEST OPEN ACCESS INITIATIVE.


The RCSAS is committed to safeguarding and preserving high-quality publications, and authors are expected to observe and adhere to publishing ethics from submission to final publication. Authors working with The RCSAS should be aware of the journal’s policies and criteria. 

An article may be withdrawn only during the pre-publication stage. The author or the publisher is more likely to withdraw the work. Author removal is only permitted if their institution has imposed compelling or inescapable constraints, or if problems with co-authors have arisen. The editorial office accepts a formal signed letter from all authors outlining the cause for withdrawal in this circumstance. If an article is found to breach the ethical norms, such as numerous submissions, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data without the original author’s authorization, or spurious claims of authorship, the publisher has the power to retract the article.

In case there are any legal problems or copyright issues surrounding a particular article, retraction of the article is considered in a post-publication process. The original article will be taken down from the website, but the document/file link will be displayed with a disclaimer that it has been retracted. Because withdrawal after publication jeopardizes our editorial staff’s efforts in processing the submissions, the payment for publishing will not be refunded for the withdrawn article at this time.

When an article is subject to legal constraints with a publisher, copyright holder, or author, and the articles published with the main hazards are recognized of erroneous data depiction, violation of legal rights, scientific data manipulation, and health risks, such articles are removed from the internet database.


RCSAS strictly follows the guidelines of COPE (

    • Research Involving Human Subjects
    • Research Involving the Use of Animals
    • Research Involving Cell Lines
    • Research Involving Plants
    • Clinical Trials Registration
    • Participants’ Consent
    • Data Protection, Confidentiality and Anonymity

When Manuscripts reporting research involving human participants, human data or human tissue, authors are required to submit a written consent and ethics approval declaration (even in cases where clearance was not required); the name of the ethical committee that endorsed the study, along with the committee’s reference number (if applicable). (Read more…)






Welcome! The Review of Contemporary Scientific and Academic Studies (ISSN: 2583-1380) is a multidisciplinary, worldwide, open-access, peer-reviewed and scholarly referred e-journal. It publishes academic and scientific research papers/articles in various academic disciplines. […]

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Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao (Profile), Professor Emeritus, JBR Engineering College (JNTUH), Hyderabad, India.  Email:, Mr. Phani Kumar. V : Chief Patron & Technical Advisor (Senior Software […]

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The RCSAS follows COPE –guidelines for its all publications. Authors are pleased to understand the Publication Ethics.    MS Word Template for Manuscript (Download) MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION OVERVIEW Publication Types: […]

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All Issues Volume 1 | 2021 Volume 2 | 2022 Volume 3 | 2023 Volume 4 | Issue No. 1 January 2024 Volume 4 | Issue No. 2 February 2024 […]

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Contact us Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Dr. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao (Professor Emeritus),  Flat No. 13-6-798/A/189/D, Ambedkar Nagar, Langar House, HYDERABAD-500008, India. Mobile No. 91 7337545949, Email: or Contact for any […]

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