CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2025)CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2025)CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2025)

CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2025)

Submit for Issue No.02 | Volume 5 | February 2025. Last Date for Paper Submission: February 20, 2025. Yearly 12 Issues.

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CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2025)

Submit for Issue No.02 | Volume 5 | February 2025. Last Date for Paper Submission: February 20, 2025. Yearly 12 Issues.

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CALL FOR PAPERS (February 2025)

Submit for Issue No.02 | Volume 5 | February 2025. Last Date for Paper Submission: February 20, 2025. Yearly 12 Issues.

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Submit Your Testimonial/Author-Review at Email:

Here are the testimonials and journal reviews received from various authors:

Title of the Article: Sustainable Supply Chain Performance Strategies in Achieving the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Approach.A Case Study of AngloGold Ashanti-Ghana. The Journal-RCSAS is very swift in response and highly professional in the entire peer-review process. This is very encouraging for the scholarly environment and space. – Prosper Adeti, Ghana; Email:

Title of the Article:A Sociological Study of Empowerment of Women through Education in South Kashmir with Special Reference to District Shopian. Thanks a lot. I am feeling very excited that my paper has been accepted as well as published in your journal. I appreciate and recommend RCSAS to all my colleagues and associates. – ABDUL HAMID KUMAR, India; Email:

Title of the Article: Selfhood, Solipsism and the Capitalistic Model in John Updike’s Rabbit, Run. The whole publishing process is very good and systematic from submission to publication. The links are provided in time. All steps are very clear. Thank you very much. I recommend this journal to all my associates and friends. – Youness El Alami, Morocco; Email:

Title of the Article: Small Business Financing through FinTech Crowdfunding Applications. Timely acceptance & publication with DOI/ Crossref is an added advantage in Publication of Article in RCSAS. – Dr. Naresh Sachdev, India.

Title of the Article: Likelihood of Covid-19 Contagion Cases Using Barangay Classification and Population Density Predictors: A Binary Logistic Regression Analysis. My heartfelt appreciation for the excellent review of our paper and for making it accessible to the wider public. – Cayogyog, Email:

Title of the Article: The Role of Social Worker in Community Development. RCSAS is a good journal. The editing process and service is good, that may be enhanced the quality of the paper. – Prof. Iranna Ronad, India.

Title of the Article: Governance and Good Governance: Concepts and Principles. It has been my goal since I began publishing my articles in various publications to be published in a reputable journal publication like this. This is the first time I’ve seen that my paper will be indexed in reputable indexes like Elsevier and WOS Publons. Thank you for making room for my article. – Adamel Lukman, Philippines.

Title of the Article: Performance-Based Training Effectiveness Evaluation: Faculty Retooling in Focus.The review was great. So grateful for the opportunity to be heard by the community of scholars. – Alvin Cayogyog, Philippines.

Title of the Article: Portrayal of Leadership In Evolution Of Change Management. It has been an honour to have a paper published in your esteemed journal. As far as the reviews are considered, I wish to say that it is very convenient, promising and enviable working with your organization. The work methodology is simple, flawless and accurate. As far as improvements are concerned, as there are no improvements are required, but would love to have this prestigious organization in the UGC-CARE list. Regards, Dr. Abhishek Sharma, India.

Thanks a lot and I feel excited to have published my research article, “Teacher Qualification and Students Performance in Physics Implication for Counseling: A Study of Schools in Suleja Local Government Area of Niger State” in The RCSAS. I greatly appreciate it. Bayo Fadipe, Nigeria.

Title of the Article: A Critical Analysis and Evaluation of National Population Policy. I’m thankful to the Reviewers for their quick remarks on my paper. I have the option to fuse changes to reflect the greater part of the ideas given by the analysts. I have featured the progressions inside the composition. Here is a point-by-direct reaction toward the Reviewers’ remarks and concerns. With regard, Prasanta Mujrai, Ph.D scholar, India.

I got published my article, “Need of Judicial Democracy in India – A Brief Study” in this journal. It is a good and perfect journal for publications. The journal and its editorial board are also genuine and responding timely and their service is tremendously appreciated. Thus, I recommend this journal-The RCSAS to the authors and scholars of international community and related subjects. Dr. N S R Murthy, India.

RCSAS seems to be a reputed journal for publication of research papers. I am very confident about this journal as I have published my papers, “A Review of Humanistic Approach to Student Centred Instruction” and “African Women Writing and Gender Identities: A Review” in it perfectly. Certainly I recommend it to all my colleagues. Laxmi Tulasi, India.

I am very glad to have published my article, “An Insight into the Science of Art and the Art of Science” in the first Issue of The RCSAS. Though the journal is newly launched the Editorial and Review Team is highly skilled; and The Review comments and editing process seems to be methodical and up-to-date. So, I recommend this journal for all kinds of researchers. Ch. Satya Sri, India.  

I deeply appreciate the spirit of professionalism with which the exercise of publication has been conducted. I hope to retain my professional relationship with you and your organization for a long time. With thanks and best regards. Title of the Article: The Impact of Vocabulary for Mastering English Language.Sekhar V C


Welcome! The Review of Contemporary Scientific and Academic Studies (ISSN: 2583-1380) is a multidisciplinary, worldwide, open-access, peer-reviewed and scholarly referred e-journal. It publishes academic and scientific research papers/articles in various academic disciplines. […]

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Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao (Profile), Professor Emeritus, JBR Engineering College (JNTUH), Hyderabad, India.  Email:, Mr. Phani Kumar. V : Chief Patron & Technical Advisor (Senior Software […]

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The RCSAS follows COPE –guidelines for its all publications. Authors are pleased to understand the Publication Ethics.    MS Word Template for Manuscript (Download) MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION OVERVIEW Publication Types: […]

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All Issues Volume 1 | 2021 Volume 2 | 2022 Volume 3 | 2023 Volume 4 | Issue No. 1 January 2024 Volume 4 | Issue No. 2 February 2024 […]

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Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Dr. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao (Professor Emeritus),  Flat No. 102, First Floor, Gayatri Towers, Hayathnagar, HYDERABAD-501505, India. Mobile No. 91 7337545949 Contact for any further information at […]

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