Special Issues for Seminar Papers and Conference Proceedings
The RCSAS (https://thercsas.com/) currently accepts submissions of papers previously presented at a seminar, conference proceedings or any academic events to publish as a Special Issue in the name of the respective institution/organization accordingly.
All accepted papers will be published in the journal’s format with ISSN (2583-1380) as well as Crossref/DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The processing fees (APC) for conference proceedings and seminar papers will be considerably lower than the publishing charges for regular articles.
Time for Publication of a Special Issue: TWO to THREE Weeks (after submission of papers)
Further details, contact the Editor-in-Chief at editor.in.chief.thercsas@gmail.com
SPECIAL ISSUE: Requirements and Procedure
- The conference/seminar should be organized by established learned society; and all contents should be in English language.
- All submitted papers should be previously peer reviewed by the conference/seminar using a declared policy.
- All articles should be original and plagiarism free; the similarity index shall be less than 15%.
- The journal’s decision to publish the proceedings as a special issue allows for flexibility in the themes covered. Therefore, any conference or seminar might theoretically be published.
- The conference or seminar papers should be prepared in Microsoft Word documents. The conference or seminar URL and the specifics of the paper evaluations and plagiarism report are required for the conference proceedings and seminar papers to be published in a Special Issue.
- Articles shall be selected based on the merit of work through a rigorous peer-review process by the publication committee of the conference/seminar.
- References should be formatted rigorously as per the author guidelines of the journal’s criteria.
- After evaluation; if the conference proceedings/seminar papers are accepted for publication, all articles will be published with open access under CC BY-NC 4.0 end-user license and the author will be the full copyright holder.
- RCSAS reserves all rights to refuse the inclusion of any article if it does not meet the journal’s criteria, quality standard or violate journal’s publication policy.
- All the publication ethics this journal follows are applicable to the conference proceedings /seminar-papers
- The requests of all papers for publication should be submitted to the editor-in-chief, RCSAS using the following email: editor.in.chief.thercsas@gmail.com